Plant Based Poets

Beginning in 2017, Carnage transitioned into an entirely new mindset. Instituting a plant-based lifestyle—showing empathy towards animals & the Earth became a self-commitment. Following his evolution, in 2019, his grassroots movement Plant Based Poets was born. The Plant Based Poets mission unites lovers of music—individuals who are passionate & encourage freedom of speech—&—every living being depending on our Earth’s roots for survival.

Carnage’s 2019 album, “Ravenous,” candidly shares his past struggles with every level of over-consumption & maintaining healthy body weight. Through raw honestly, he illustrates his experience of often embracing negativity, over-eating & attracting
whatever attention he could ingest.

With a clear mindset, Carnage lost a remarkable 125 pounds. His monumental evolution inspired a commitment to being an everlasting example of how we can continuously strive to be better versions of ourselves.